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We offer access to a wide variety of high-quality trusts, all with flexible deed arrangements

Trust Deeds

We offer a range of quality Trusts, drafted by in-house tax lawyers and externally reviewed by commercial law firms. The deeds are written in plain, easy to understand language and each deed comes with an explanatory guide to help your client.​

Discretionary Trust

A Discretionary trust is commonly called a “family trust.”

This type of trust is very useful for asset protection and tax planning. The trustee of this type of trust has very wide discretions relating to the activities that the trust can engage in, the beneficiaries that can receive income or capital and the tax benefits that are associated with these trusts.​

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Legacy Trust

A Legacy Trust is a type of discretionary trust that retains capital within a blood line.


Although such trusts are often set up in an attempt to protect the trust assets in the case of marriage breakdown, they can also be useful in other situations where the principal setting up the trust wants to ensure that the benefit of the trust property, will remain with his or her immediate family.

Take the hassle out of setting up Trusts with Docscentre

Unit Trusts

A unit trust is a trust in which the trust property is divided into a number of defined shares, called units.

The beneficiaries subscribe for the units in much the same way as shareholders in a company subscribe for shares.

The assets of the trust are held by the trustee on trust for the unitholders, who generally are entitled to the capital and income
of the trust fund in proportion to their holding of units.

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Our Trust Deed

  • Enables flexibility in design

  • Offers flexibility by accommodating various share classes

  • Allows for investment by SMSFs

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1800 799 666


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